Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania
I thought this movie was awesome because it had lots of funny parts and had action too. I thought this movie was great and funny. And it was even cooler because it was done in 3D. This movie is all about a guy named Dracula who had a child named Mavis and Dracula had to build a hotel where all monsters could be safe and so his daughter could be safe.

The movie was awesome in 3D. It really popped out but I would like it if they put more 3D because it would be a lot better than it already is. One of my favorite parts in the 3D was at the beginning of the movie when Dracula was singing to his daughter and looks so cool when he's hissing that I wanted to reach out and touch it.

The main characters in the movie are Dracula, played by Adam Sandler, Mavis played by Selena Gomez, Jonathan, Frankenstein, and Murray the mummy. Adam Sandler is a really funny actor and I thought he did a great job at Dracula. My favorite character in the movie though is Jonathan because he is really funny. He has to dress up as a monster so everyone else in the hotel won't know he is human and so he won't get cooked. He also is a nice guy and does lots of risky stuff and I like that. My favorite part is when Dracula is setting up the tables for his daughter's birthday and makes them float to the spot so Jonathan comes and plays with the tables. He makes them fly and Dracula chases him with another table and they zoom all around the room. Dracula is using his powers to try to make Jonathan stop but Jonathan makes it every time through all the obstacles and they both have lots of fun. It's a fun scene.

I would recommend this movie for ages 3 and up because at the beginning the dad is doing a song and does something that might scare really young kids. But overall this is a great film for almost all ages and I would highly recommend it. Anthony Aranda, age 10, KIDS FIRST! Film Critic.

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The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
Every year, twenty-four teenage "tributes" are brought to the Capitol of Panem, and sent out into the arena to kill each other on live TV. Only one will survive.

This chilling premise is at the center of "The Hunter Games," a brilliant, powerful movie adapted from the first book of Suzanne Collins' bestselling trilogy. It's a slow-burning thriller twined with some barbed satire (reality TV!) and an oppressive government -- but at heart, it's an uplifting story about a young woman fighting to be free.

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) lives in the impoverished District 12, hunting food to provide for her mother and her beloved little sister Prim (Willow Shields). But on the day of the reaping, Prim is selected. And Katniss does something no one else has done -- she volunteers to go instead. Along with the male tribute, Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), she is swept away to the Capitol.

Once there, the tributes are pampered, tutored, styled and turned into celebrities -- until they're released into the arena, and start killing each other to survive. Katniss must evade murderous gangs, traps, and genetically engineered beasts.

But because Peeta publicly declared his love for Katniss, the audience has taken a shine to the impoverished young "lovers" and are rooting for them to triumph. But if both Katniss and Peeta are to survive, they must learn how to play the game that the gamemakers and polticians are playing -- and use the Hunger Games against them.

I'm not sure why so many people compare "The Hunger Games" to the Twilight movies, because it literally has everything that "Twilight" does not. It has plenty of action, adventure, a subtle romance, and some barbed social commentary -- and it has a raw, passionate quality that easily matches its strong-willed heroine.

The movie also shows us what a rotten place Panem is, whether it's the sleek, colorful superficiality of the Capitol or the faded squalor of District 12. But "Hunger Games" is at its best when it's in the forests of the arena -- there's a primal, wild quality to Katniss' adventures there, tempered with tenderer moments (such as when she cares for the gravely wounded Peeta).

The romance with Peeta is also refreshingly uncliched, leaving the audience unsure of how much of their love was for the audience's benefit (although we glimpse some flickers of real love between them). The biggest problems are that a lot of the violence seems rather toned down, and the shakycam becomes rather annoying at times.

But Jennifer Lawrence does an excellent job bringing Katniss to life, imbuing her with strength, fear, brains and a fiery temper -- exactly what the "girl on fire" needs to have. Josh Hutcherson is equally good as Peeta, and there are a string of great performances by Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Lenny Kravitz, Elizabeth Banks and Amandla Stenberg. There's a lot of passion in even the minor actors' performances.

"The Hunger Games" successfully mingles dystopian sci-fi, romance and a tale of rebellion, giving us a brilliantly raw, passionate movie. A must-see.

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21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street
But it was GOOD! Like other people I wasn't too happy about Hollywood making another movie from a tv show and totally ruining it. But they did a great job. They did not try to copy 21 Jump Street at all, instead it was updated. When Hill & Channing get asked to the program, they are told that they're restarting up an old program. So they're not trying to be the tv show. I was absolutely amazed at how funny Channing was. And the movie had me laughing nearly the whole time. I can't wait to get my hands on the dvd just to see the extras and if Channing, Hill and people who had to act opposite them could keep straight faces.

The movie was so funny I could not breathe for half of it! It's my new favorite comedy. I wasn't sure about it going in and the first laugh was kind of a shock where people didn't know if they should laugh, but I could hold back. Soon the entire room was filled with laughter and it didn't stop until the end! Not for kids or teens though unless you have low moral standards.

I recently started watching the original series, because I absolutely loved this movie. This movie is more of a continuation of the series, and reboots the franchise. It was hilarious from beginning to end. I cannot stress enough how epicly awesome this movie is. It's filled with dirty jokes, car-chases, gun-play and action. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum play Schmidt and Jenko. Schmidt was a nerd in high school, and Jenko was a dim-witted jock. Seven years later, they meet up again at the police academy. They become partners and assigned to park patrol. When they screw up, they are reassigned to a revived specialty division on 21 Jump Street. They must go undercover as high school students and stop a new synthetic drug from spreading to other campuses by finding the supplier. They get stuck in tons of hilarious situations. If you want the perfect buddy-cop comedy action film, you'll definitely love 21 JUMP STREET!!!

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