21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street
But it was GOOD! Like other people I wasn't too happy about Hollywood making another movie from a tv show and totally ruining it. But they did a great job. They did not try to copy 21 Jump Street at all, instead it was updated. When Hill & Channing get asked to the program, they are told that they're restarting up an old program. So they're not trying to be the tv show. I was absolutely amazed at how funny Channing was. And the movie had me laughing nearly the whole time. I can't wait to get my hands on the dvd just to see the extras and if Channing, Hill and people who had to act opposite them could keep straight faces.

The movie was so funny I could not breathe for half of it! It's my new favorite comedy. I wasn't sure about it going in and the first laugh was kind of a shock where people didn't know if they should laugh, but I could hold back. Soon the entire room was filled with laughter and it didn't stop until the end! Not for kids or teens though unless you have low moral standards.

I recently started watching the original series, because I absolutely loved this movie. This movie is more of a continuation of the series, and reboots the franchise. It was hilarious from beginning to end. I cannot stress enough how epicly awesome this movie is. It's filled with dirty jokes, car-chases, gun-play and action. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum play Schmidt and Jenko. Schmidt was a nerd in high school, and Jenko was a dim-witted jock. Seven years later, they meet up again at the police academy. They become partners and assigned to park patrol. When they screw up, they are reassigned to a revived specialty division on 21 Jump Street. They must go undercover as high school students and stop a new synthetic drug from spreading to other campuses by finding the supplier. They get stuck in tons of hilarious situations. If you want the perfect buddy-cop comedy action film, you'll definitely love 21 JUMP STREET!!!

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